Sinex Group International is a bridge building company, building bridges between Denmark and China.
We engage in a broad variety of activities ranging from pure commercial to pure cultural.
We have expertise in all the three most important areas:
The Languages
The culture
The market
We have this expertise for both countries.
Our engagement can be as little as being consultants or as big as arranging whole events.
China Tourism Night
Journey along The Great Wall
China Tourism Night - Journey along The Great Wall is an event Sinex Group International
made in August 2014 on behalf of China National Tourism Administration (CNTA). Topleaders from CNTA with, vice chairman dr. Jiang Du as
head of the delegation, revealed the ideas and plans China has for developing the tourist industry in the years to come.
Representatives from the Danish political circles with member of parliament Per Stig Møller as the most prominent were present as were
representatives from the business circles.
A part of the time was dedicated to networking. This was particular useful for the Danish travel agencies.
Inbetween the professional content there were artistic performances.
The event was mentioned in online news media in both Denmark and China.
Per Stig Møller, member of the Danish parliament, held an inspiring speech.